Filpass Digital Identity Card

What we do

Digital Proof of Identity

Provides a more secure and convenient way to verify your users' identity credentials for both digital and in-person services

Seamless Online Registration

● to facilitate fast and reliable transactions
● Allows you to obtain information from users upon their consent and efficiently perform accelerated eKYC processes with data from participating government sources.

Secured Online Authentication

● for better customer experience and fraud control
● Authenticate and onboard users of your online services with greater accuracy and assurance despite not having to implement and operate your digital infrastructure and systems.
FilPass ID

We create a convenient solution for people to carry all their IDs and documents in one digital-identity wallet without having to worry about losing their data as we also protect data privacy.

Sample FilPass Digital Identity Card

Sample 1
Normal FilPass ID with ALL
information displayed with Print &
Download on verification

Sample 2
FilPass ID without contact number & address
plus without Print & Download on the
verification page
Sample 3
FilPass ID with
revoked/sharing expiration

Register now!

Go to and click sign up to create your very own digital ID!

Supported by

Frequently Asked Questions
FilPass is a web application storing your digital credentials for personal and professional uses. You can also access the digital services of public and private companies using FilPass, making transactions much easier and faster.
To sign up for an account, you would need to be part of the organization we are partnered with (e.g. you are a student of the University that we are working with). You have to provide a working and valid email address. A verification email will be sent to your email address and you would need to verify your email. Once you have completed this step, you may proceed with the registration process.
FilPass uses blockchain technology to store information and data securely. Secure record keeping, identity management, fraud detection, and contract authentication are some of the solutions FilPass can offer to businesses.
Currently, FilPass can issue and store your digital ID, educational certificates and transcript of records, and your work records. Stay tuned for more features that FilPass will be providing soon.
You can opt to share your digital credentials through email or sending the link to your credential with businesses when making transactions. They could simply click on the link or scan the QR code attached to verify your identity.
Visit our FAQ Page to learn more about FilPass and how it works.